
A world that resonates
Tonight, various cultures and arts
from around the world meet here at Toji,
where the monk Kukai created
the huge mandala space 1200 years ago.
The vibrancy of the world.
The preciousness of beautiful harmony.
And to the many conflicts
that still exist around the world,
we pray for endless peace.


桓武天皇が平安京の正門 羅城門をはさんで東西に置いた大寺のひとつで、平安遷都の2年後の796年に東寺の造営が始まりました。東寺の伽藍は南大門(重要文化財)を入って、本堂の金堂(国宝)に講堂(重要文化財)、少し隔てて食堂が一直線に置かれ、東西に五重塔(国宝)と灌頂院(重要文化財)が配置されています。塀で区別された境内はそのまま曼茶羅であり密厳浄土です。五重塔は、現存する国内最高の木造の古塔です。1994年、東寺はユネスコの世界遺産に登録されました。
It was one of the large temples that Emperor Kammu placed on the east and west sides of the Rajomon main gate in Heian-kyo. Construction of Toji temple began in 796, two years after the capital was moved to Heian-kyo. Entering Nandaimon (Important Cultural Property), the main hall, Kondo (National Treasure), is flanked by a lecture hall (Important Cultural Property) and the dining hall a short distance away, while the five-story pagoda (National Treasure) and Kancho-in temple (Important Cultural Property) are located on the east and west sides. The grounds of the temple, separated by walls, are a mandala, a Pure Land of Migon. The five-story pagoda is the tallest wooden tower in Japan today. In 1994, Toji temple was registered as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
エレクトリック・ギターをピックを使わず全て指で弾くという独自の“スラップ奏法”でギタリストとして世界中から注目を集め、これまで約30カ国380公演以上、9度のワールドツアーを成功。「パリ・サン=ジェルマン」来日時パフォーマンス、NBA「ゴールデンステイト・ウォリアーズ」への楽曲提供・ハーフタイムショー出演など、国内外問わず圧倒的なパフォーマンスを披露。俳優、モデル、日本人初のUNHCR(国連難民高等弁務官事務所)親善大使としても活躍中。YOSHIKI、HYDE、SUGIZOとスーパーバンド「THE LAST ROCKSTARS」結成。常に世界に向けて挑戦を続ける“サムライ・ギタリスト”である。
MIYAVI is renowned worldwide for his unique "slapping" technique, where he plays the electric guitar using his fingers instead of a pick. He has performed over 380 shows and successfully conducted 9 world tours in about 30 countries. Among his astounding shows both in Japan and overseas, he performed at Paris Saint-Germain Football Club’s visiting match in Japan. He provided music to NBA's Golden State Warriors, appearing in the halftime show. He is also an actor, model, and the first-ever Japanese Goodwill Ambassador for UNHCR (United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees). He is a member of "THE LAST ROCKSTARS", a super-band founded with YOSHIKI, HYDE and SUGIZO. Miyavi is the "Samurai" guitarist, continuously undertaking new challenges in the global arena.
上野 耕平 Kohei Ueno
8歳から吹奏楽部でサクソフォンを始め、東京藝術大学器楽科を卒業。第28回日本管打楽器コンクールサクソフォン部門第1位・特別大賞(史上最年少)。2014年第6回アドルフ・サックス国際コンクール第2位。現地メディアを通じて日本でも話題になる。デビュー以来、常に新たなプログラムにも挑戦し、サクソフォンの可能性を最大限に伝えている。2017年度第28回出光音楽賞受賞。2018年第9回岩谷時子賞 奨励賞受賞。NHK-FM「×(かける)クラシック」の司会やテレビ番組「題名のない音楽会」「情熱大陸」など、メディアへの出演も多い。音楽以外にも鉄道と車をこよなく愛し、深く追求し続けている。今年9月末に5枚目のアルバム「Eau Rouge」を発売予定。
Kohei started playing the saxophone at the young age of eight in his school band. He graduated from Tokyo University of the Arts, instrumental music department. Kohei had attracted public attention from an early age and made his debut while still in school. Kohei made a sensational senior debut winning 1st prize at the 28th Japan Wind and Percussion Competition, youngest ever in its long history. In 2014, he won a prestigious 2nd prize at 6th Adolphe Sax International Competition in Belgium. Kohei has also appeared in various medias including the Japanese popular TV program “Untitled Concert” and ” Jonetsu Tairiku”. The host of a radio program on NHK-FM “Kakeru Classic”. In addition to music, Kohei loves trains and cars and continues to pursue them deeply.
笛田 博昭 Hiroaki Fueda
名古屋芸術大学音楽学部声楽科首席卒業。同大学院修了。第37 回イタリア声楽コンコルソ・イタリア大使杯受賞。第50回日伊声楽コンコルソ第1位。第20回五島記念文化賞オペラ新人賞受賞。イタリアの輝きをもつ豊かでドラマティックな声と、日本人離れしたスタイリッシュな歌唱フォームは比類なく、日本屈指のプリモテノールとしての地位は揺るぎない。2023年5月には三河市民オペラ公演、ジョルダーノ作曲《アンドレア・シェニ エ》でタイトルロールを歌い、磨き抜かれた圧倒的な歌唱が記憶に新しい。パレルモ・マッシモ歌劇場の日本公演では、急遽代役として《ラ・ボエーム》のロドルフォで出演し、大喝采を浴びた。2017 年よりNHKニューイヤーオペラコンサートに出演。藤原歌劇団団員。新潟県湯沢町特別観光大使。
Hiroaki Fueda graduated from school of music at the Nagoya University of the Arts. At the 37th Italian Vocal Concord, he won the Italian Ambassador Cup. He also won the first prize at the 50th Japan-Italy Vocal Competition, and was awarded the Goto Memorial Culture Award for new opera singers. His strong points are his rich and dramatic voice equal in Italian singers, and the stylish way he sings that is unusual for Japanese singers. He currently established a rock-solid position as one of the Japan’s most acclaimed primo tenor. His strong points are his rich and dramatic voice equal in Italian singers, and the stylish way he sings that is unusual for Japanese singers. He currently established a rock-solid position as one of the Japan’s most acclaimed primo tenor. In May 2023, he sang as the title role of Andrea Chènier at the Mikawa Citizen Opera, fascinating the audiences by his overwhelming and unforgettable singing. In the Teatro Massimo Palermo’s Japan tour, he sang Rodolfo in La Boheme as an urgent substitute and were highly acclaimed.Since 2017, he has been the regular performer of the NHK New Year Opera Concert. Now he is a member of the Fujiwara Opera Group. He is also Yuzawa Town’s Special Sightseeing Ambassador.
ナターシャ・グジー Nataliya Gudziy
Vocalist / Bandura Player
Nataliya Gudziy was born in Ukraine. In 1986, she experienced nuclear accident of the Chernobyl power plant and evacuation since her family lived only 3.5km away. Enchanted by the musical tone of the bandura, a Ukrainian folk instrument, she began learning it at the age of eight. In 2000, Nataliya Gudziy started her professional career in Japan. Her beautiful crystal-clear singing voice with melancholic and sweet resonance of bandura playing have mesmerized many audiences. In July 2005, when the President of Ukraine visited to Japan, she was invited to dinner at the Prime Minister's Office and showed off the performance. In July 2016, she received the Foreign Minister's Commendation of Japan, since her activity was highly evaluated. In addition to concerts, she works on various fields such as international understanding and music classrooms, television, radio and school concerts. Her activity had also been taken up in textbooks for schools.
大石 裕香 Yuka Oishi
大阪府堺市出身。3歳でバレエを始める。大屋政子バレエ研究所にてバレエを学ぶ。2000年 ハンブルクバレエ学校に留学。2002年 ハンブルクバレエ団に研修生として入団し、2003年より正団員になり2010年ソリストに昇格。2011年 ハンブルク州立オペラからオーバードルファー賞を受賞。2012年 同ハンブルクバレエに所属していたオーカン・ダンとの共同演出、振り付け作品 "Renku" をハンブルクバレエ団に振付け、その作品が高く評価されロルフ・マーレス賞を受賞。2014年 ジョン・ノイマイヤー版『ロミオとジュリエット』を東京バレエ団に振付指導。2015年 ハンブルクバレエ団を退団し現在に至るまで、フリーランスの振付家/ダンサーとしてグローバルな活動を続けている。これまでにハンブルクバレエ、ベジャールバレエ団、東京バレエ団、Origen Festival Cultural、宝塚歌劇団、貞松・浜田バレエ団、音舞台、ジル・ロマン、セルゲイ・ポルーニン、ナターリア・オシポワ、中村祥子等に振付を提供。現在、宝塚歌劇団で指導を受け持つ他、大阪芸術大学で客員准教授を務める。2023年1月サンフランシスコバレエ、新作“BOLERO”、2月Origen Festival Cultural新作“TIME”、6月ベジャールバレエ団新作“舞踊のもう一つの唄“を振り付けた。2023年12月全幕”くるみ割り人形と秘密の花園“が神戸文化ホール・大ホールにて再演が予定されている。
Yuka Oishi was born in 1984 in Osaka, Japan. In 2002, she joins the John Neumeier Hamburg Ballet and become eight years later the first Japanese soloist. Yuka is now free-lance choreographer since almost ten years. Her work has already been prized and met the success of public and critics all over the world.
She choreographed RENKU together with Orkan Dann for the Hamburg Ballet in 2012, receiving the Rolf Mares Prize. Since 2013, she creates for several international compagnies and festivals. She has choreographed for the Takarazuka Revue Theater and presented work at the World Ballet Festival, the Etoiles Gala, the Tokyu Sylvester Concert, and other festivals. Since 2014, she creates a new work for the Origen Festival Cultural in Switzerland *every year.(because of covid-19, I was not able to create new works between 2020-2022)
In 2018, she created 空Ku for the Béjart Ballet Lausanne and then Ave Maria for Natalia Osipova at the Sadler's Wells Theatre in London the same year. The solo was revived at the New York City Center in 2019 and performed around the world during the pandemic. At the same time, Yuka Oishi met Sergei Polunin, for whom she composed The Rite of Spring a ballet that premiered in St. Moritz in Switzerland in 2018, followed by Rasputin in 2020.
More recently, Yuka Oishi *appeared in(created) The Nutcracker & The Secret Garden for the Sadamatsu-Hamada Ballet in December 2022. The following month, the San Francisco Ballet danced her version of Bolero,* which was later performed at the Next@90 festival in Graubünden.(which was premiered and performed at the Next@90 festival. The piece I have created in Graubünden for Origen Festival Cultural is Time.) Gil Roman, the Artistic Director of the Béjart Ballet Lausanne, invited her to work on her second choreography for the Lausanne-based company, The other song of dance, which can be seen at the Beaulieu Theater from June 16 to 21, 2023. -
西本 智実 Tomomi Nishimoto
Artistic Director / Conductor
世界各国を代表するオーケストラ・名門国立歌劇場・国際音楽祭より招聘される日本を代表する指揮者。ハーバード大学ケネディスクール“エグゼクティブ・エデュケーション”修了。ダボス会議YGL、「ムーンショット目標9」サブプロジェクトマネージャー兼Principal Investigator、広島大学特命教授、大阪音楽大学客員教授、ビューティー&ウェルネス専門職大学客員教授などを務める。Fondazione pro Musica e Arte Sacra「名誉賞」、内閣官房国家戦略室「国家戦略担当大臣サンクスレター」など受賞多数。 2015年・2016年G7サミットでは海外向け日本国テレビCMに起用される。日本を代表する芸術家として、ドキュメンタリー番組がCNNインターナショナル、ZDF、独仏共同テレビArteなどで放送されている。
Nishimoto is a distinguished and leading Japanese conductor who has been invited by numerous renowned orchestras, national opera houses, and international music festivals across the world. She completed Harvard Kennedy School’s Executive Education program and is a World Economic Forum YGL, as well as sub-project manager and principal investigator for the Japan Science and Technology Agency's “Moonshot Goal 9”. Nishimoto is also a specially appointed senior academic researcher at Hiroshima University, as well as a visiting professor at the Osaka College of Music and the Professional University of Beauty & Wellness. Nishimoto has been awarded with numerous recognitions including the Honor of Fondazione Pro Musica e Arte Sacral and the Cabinet Secretariat of Japan, National Policy Unit‘s "Thanks Letter from the Minister Responsible for the National Policy Unit”. She also appeared in TV commercials promoting Japan overseas for the 2015 and 2016 G7 summits. As a leading Japanese artist, she has been featured in documentaries by CNN International and French-German joint broadcaster Arte, ZDF among others.
音楽家の両親のもとに生まれヴァイオリンを始め、桐朋学園大学入学。キューバへ留学後欧米にて演奏活動を始める。04年Yanniツアーにソリストとして参加、NYラジオシティーホールを始め世界約50公演に出演。CD”Palma Habanera”でメジャーデビュー、国内外のジャズフェスに出演。13年よりイルミナートフィルメンバーとしてヴァチカン国際音楽祭などに出演。
Born into a family of musicians, Sayaka trained at the renowned Toho Gakuen School of Music. After she studied in Cuba, she started performing in Europe and the U.S. In 2004, she became a soloist on the Yanni tour, played at over 50 venues worldwide. Sayaka also formed a band "Palma Habanera," made their major debut with the CD of the same name, appearing at jazz festivals in Japan and abroad. Since 2013, she is a member of the Illuminato Philharmonic Orchestra, and performed at events such as the International Music Festival at the Vatican.
大森南朋 Nao Omori
Beginning with his TV commercial debut in 1996, Nao Omori has pursued a career as a professional actor. In 2001, he was cast as Ichi, his first protagonist role, in the film “Koroshiya 1”, and has since been active in films, TV dramas, theaters, and commercials. Omori was awarded the 2003 Kinema Junpo’s “Best Ten” Award for Supporting Actor, Yokohama Film Festival Award for Best Supporting Actor for his role in “Akameshijuyataki shinjumisui” and “Vibrator,” and in 2010, won the Japan Academy Film Prize for Best Actor for “Hagetaka”. His recent work include TBS’s “Watashino kaseifu Nagisa-san”, the NHK Drama series “Chimdondon”, and the film “Dr. Koto Shinryojo”. In this year’s NHK Taiga historical drama series “Dousuru Ieyasu”, he plays the role of Tadatsugu Sakai. He also has two upcoming films, “Houtei yugi” directed by Yoshihiro Fukagawa, and “Kubi” by Takeshi Kitano.
竹柴 潤一 Junichi Takeshiba
Kabuki kyogen sakusha
Takashiba completed the master's degree of Nihon University Graduate School of Art (majoring performing arts). He became a disciple of Kabuki Kyogen Writer's Room in April 2000 and has called himself Junichi Takeshiba from August 2001. He won the 48th Otani Takejiro Encouragement Award for the script of Honcho Shirayukiukihime Monogatari (Tamasaburo Bando starring) performed at Kabukiza in December 2019. He won the 51st Otani Takejiro Award and also won the 77th National Arts Festival Excellence Award, for the script of Arakawa Jyudayu (Shouroku Onoe starring) performed at Kabukiza in October 2022.
主催:京都仏教会 真言宗総本山 東寺 MBSテレビ
協賛:大和証券グループ 日本航空
Hosted by Kyoto Buddhist Organization, Toji Temple, Mainichi Broadcasting System.
Sponsored by Daiwa Securities Group Inc., Japan Airlines.
Supported by The Kyoto Shimbun.